Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith, meaning that we make agreements with each other about how we aim to live out our values and ideals in the world. Covenants are living documents, which are revisited regularly so that they can continue to call us anew to the people the world needs us to be.
Aspirational Worship Covenant Adopted in 1997
Love is the spirit of this society.
Dwelling together in peace,
Seeking truth, helping one another,
Serving human needs,
Honoring the earth and all that is.
This is our covenant.
Our Covenant of Right Relations
Honoring our principles and the spirit of love, we covenant to:
Encourage and respect all voices: young and old, shy and bold, agreeing and disagreeing as we serve our congregational mission.
Make space for words and silence, the humorous and the serious, and an array of ideas in our conversations.
Join in our democratic processes and accept our community’s decisions, even when they differ from our own.
Give fairly of our time, talent, and treasure.
Acknowledge each other’s good works and efforts.
Celebrate our joys and achievements.
Listen to one another with our hearts and minds.
Communicate with clarity and patience, recognizing that we may be misunderstood.
Remember that disagreement and conflict are natural and necessary in order to learn and grow.
Address conflicts that need resolution directly with those involved, assuming best intentions and seeking mutually beneficial solutions.
Respect and maintain our relationships, especially if we have trouble resolving a conflict, and seek help from agreed upon resources, such as the Committee on Ministry.
Support each other when we fall short of this covenant, and return to it as soon as we recognize that we’ve strayed.
Remind ourselves to live this covenant, and revisit it for revision and updates as often as needed.
This we covenant together, remembering always the bonds of love that join us and the vision of the future that we share.
Approved by the congregation at our annual meeting on 5-22-11